II. Herzlieblich Lieb, durch Scheiden
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
III. Schein uns, du liebe Sonne
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
I. Unentrinnbar "Tapfere sind solche, die Taten vollbringen"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
II. Du sollst nicht, du musst "Du sollst dir kein Bild machen!"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
III. Mond und Menschen "Solang wir auf der Erde sind"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
IV. Der Wunsch des Liebhabers "Süßes Mondlicht auf den Pflaumenbäumen"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
I. Am Scheideweg "Tonal oder atonal?"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
II. Vielseitigkeit "Ja wer trommelt denn da?"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
III. Der neue Klassizismus "Nicht mehr romantisch bleib ich"
BBC Singers, Members Of The London Sinfonietta, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
I. Hemmung "Ist ihnen die Sprache versagt?"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
II. Gesetz "Wenn's so kommt, wie man es gewöhnt ist"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
III. Ausdrucksweise "Aus uns, im Masseninstinkt!"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
IV. Glück "Glück ist die Fähigkeit"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
V. Landsknechte "Einmal muss man sterben"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
VI. Verbundenheit "Man hilft zur Welt dir kommen"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
Dreimal Tausend Jahre, Op. 50a
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
Psalm 130, Op. 50b "Aus Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir"
BBC Singers, Арнольд Шёнберг, Пьер Булез
Doctor Atomic: Overture
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "The end of June 1945"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "First of all, let me say"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "We surround the plutonium core"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "We are bedeviled by faulty detonators"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "Many of us are inclined to say"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "The nation's fate..."
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "This is a petition"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "What if it's a dud?"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "The test must go on as scheduled"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 1: "No, before the bomb is used"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 2: "Am I in your light?"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 2: "Long let me inhale, deeply..."
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 2: "The motive of it all was loneliness"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: Electrical storm
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "What the hell is wrong with the weather?"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "Five hundred U.S. Superfortresses are raining bombs"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "I'll sign the report, sir"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "With respect, sir, anyone with two good eyes"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "I have been preoccupied with many matters"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "Get them out of here. From now on, I'm making my own weather predictions"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "General, you are bearing up with remarkable fortitude"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act I, Scene 3: "Batter my heart"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 1: "Easter Eve, 1945"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 1: Interlude - Rain over the Sangre de Cristo
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 1: "In the north the cloud-flower blossoms"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 2: "It's midnight, Jack"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 2: "I've dreamed the same dream"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 2: "To the farthest west, the sea and the striped country"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 2: "A delay in the Potsdam Ultimatum"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers
Doctor Atomic, Act II, Scene 2: "Fermi is taking wagers"
John Adams, BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers