Ivo Zidek - слушать все песни
The Bartered Bride: Act I, Scene 2, "Whil a mother's love means blessing, painful is a stepmother's hate..."
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová
The Bartered Bride: Act III, Scene 9, "What have you decided, Marenka?"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act I, Scene 1, "Let us rejoice, let's be merry"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Vladivoj Jankovsky
The Bartered Bride: Act I, Scene 2, "It will then happen like I have been told!"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová
The Bartered Bride: Act I, Scene 2, "It's only true that your past life seems to be veiled in a sort of mystery"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová
The Bartered Bride: Act I, Scene 2, "Faithful love cannot be marred by any former pledge or promise"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová
The Bartered Bride: Act II, Scene 1, "Beer's no doubt a gift from heaven..."
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Vladivoj Jankovsky, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act II, Scene 4, "As I say, she's lovely, sweet and also rich..."
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act II, Scene 4, "Now then, my dear man..."
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act II, Scene 4, "And if you renounce Marenka I shall also pay you something"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act II, Scene 5, "When you find out for whom you have bought a bride, you will sadly return home"
Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Jaroslav Vogel, Ivo Zidek, Бедржих Сметана
The Bartered Bride: Act II, Scene 6, "Come inside, people..."
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Karel Kalaš, Václav Bednář
The Bartered Bride: Act III, Scene 7, "Marenka mine - Are you really so stubborn, dear..."
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová
The Bartered Bride: Act III, Scene 8, "Well, so you are still here, my young man?"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act III, Scene 8, "Calm down, calm down, dear, calm down"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová, Karel Kalaš
The Bartered Bride: Act III, Scene 10, "Remember, neighbour!"
Бедржих Сметана, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Milada Musilová, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Václav Bednář
The Jacobin, ., Act I, Scene 7: "Chci s tebou promluvit! - Duet: Pohleď mi do očí" (Terinka, Jiří)
Антонин Дворжак, Ivo Zidek, Jaroslav Vogel, Prague Smetana Theatre Orchestra, Miloslava Fidlerová, Miloslava Fidlerová, Ivo Žídek, Prague Smetana Thea