I'm so Happy, We're so Happy
Vincent Artaud, Kaycee Chase
Stan's Rap
Vincent Artaud, Kaycee Chase
Your Socks Are Cool
Vincent Artaud, Kaycee Chase
Hip Hip Squawk
Vincent Artaud, Kaycee Chase
The Game
Vincent Artaud, Barbara Weber Scaff
The Move
Vincent Artaud
The Day at the Camp
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
Lisa Is Having Fun
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
The Brass Band of the Children
Vincent Artaud, Michel Feugere
Matt Is Having Fun
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
Hippolyte Has a Crush
Vincent Artaud, Jp Minalli-Bella
The Evening at the Camp
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
The Twin Sisters
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
The Expedition
Vincent Artaud, Michel Feugere
Matt Is Leading Investigation
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
The Joyfull Children
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
Lisa Is Dreaming
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
The Disco
Vincent Artaud
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
Hippolyte Is Upset
Vincent Artaud, Michel Feugere
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
The Holiday Camp Party
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
Matt Is Dreaming
Vincent Artaud, Garance Agulhon
Hippolyte Is Joyful
Vincent Artaud, Michel Feugere
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Main Theme
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Daily Life
Vincent Artaud, Frédéric Couderc
Introducing Mr. Magoo
Vincent Artaud, Frédéric Couderc
Fizz's Evil Plan
Vincent Artaud
Ridiculous Weasel
Vincent Artaud, Guillaume Poncelet
Magoo's Daily Workout
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Romance
Vincent Artaud, Guillaume Poncelet
Chasing Fizz
Vincent Artaud, Guillaume Poncelet
Weasel's Sadness
Vincent Artaud, Guillaume Poncelet
Magoo's Dream
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Chill Out
Vincent Artaud, Frédéric Couderc
Elevator Music
Vincent Artaud, Guillaume Poncelet
Fizz Leader of the World
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Investigation
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Going Downtown
Vincent Artaud
Magoo's Awakening
Vincent Artaud, Frédéric Couderc
The Policeman's Dance
Vincent Artaud
Vincent Artaud, Marielle de Rocca Serra
The Patou
Vincent Artaud, Marielle de Rocca Serra
The Hamster
Vincent Artaud
The Gnu
Vincent Artaud, Marielle de Rocca Serra
The Toad
Vincent Artaud
The brown Bear
Vincent Artaud, Marielle de Rocca Serra