Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers, Pt. IV
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers, Pt. V
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers, Pt. VI
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers, Pt. VII
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Pirkei Avot: Ethics of the Fathers, Pt. VIII
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: Nishmat Kol Chai - The Soul of Every Living Thing
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: Shavat Anim - You Hear the Cry of the Poor
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: El Adon Al Kol - God Is the Lord of All Creation
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: Ahavat Olam - Shema - With Eternal Love You Loved Us, Hear O' Israel
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: Emet Veyatziv - Mi Kamocha - It Is True and Right and Established, Who Is Like You Among the Gods, Amidah
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: Nakdisha - Modim Anachnu - Let Us Sanctify and Revere You, We Give Thanks to You
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shacharit of Shabbat: Birkat Cohanim - Sim Shalom - Sefer Torah - The Priestly Blessing, Establish Peace, Torah Reading
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shalom Aleichem - Peace Be Upon You
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Eshet Chayil - A Woman of Valor
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Bar Yochai
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Atkinu Seudata - Prepare the Feast
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Azamer Bishvachin - With Songs of Praise
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Kiddush for Shabbat, Dror Yikra - Freedom Shall He Proclaim
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yoducha Rayonai - I Thank You in My Thoughts
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Sur Mi' She' Lo Achalnu - The Rock Whose Food We Have Eaten
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Birkat Hamazon - Grace After Meals
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yom Kadosh Ve'gam Baruch - A Holy and Blessed Day
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yom Ha'shabbat Ein Kamohu - There Is No Day Like the Sabbath
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yoducha Rayonai by R. Yisrael Najara
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yom Zeh Le' Yisrael - The Day Is for Israel Light and Joy Shabbat of Rest
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yom Zeh Mechubad - This Day Is Honored of All Days
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Ki Eshmera Shabbat - If I Keep the Shabbat
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Ma Tov Yom Shemo Shabbat - The Good Day Is Named Shabbat
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yah Ribon Alam by R. Yisrael Najara: O' God Master of the World and Universe
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Al Ahavatecha Eshteh - On Behalf of My Love I Will Drink a Glass
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Eretz Varum - When Earth and Heaven Were Created
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shimru Shabetotai - Keep My Shabbat
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Ma Tov Yom Shemo Shabbat - The Good Day Is Named Shabbat in the Style of Moroccan Jews
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Yedid Nefesh - Soul Mate - I Will Speak of Your Greatness
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shir Ha'ma'alot Le' David Samachti - Song of Ascent of David I Was Happy When I Was Told
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shir Ha'ma'alot Be'shuv Hashem - A Song of Ascent, When the Lord Returned the Captives of Zion
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shir Ha'ma'alot Be'shuv Hashem - A Song of Ascent, When the Lord Returned the Captives of Zion in the Style of Moroccan Jews
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Amar Hashem Le' Yaakov - God Said to Jacob
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Miktam Le' David Shamreni El - A Miktam of David Protect Me Lord
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shiviti Hashem Le' Negdi Tamid - I Place God Before Me Always
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Le' David Baruch Hashem Tzuri - For David I Bless the Lord My Rock
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Shiviti Hashem Le' Negdi Tamid - I Place God Before Me Always II
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Seder Havdalaha - Havdalah for Motzei Shabbat
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Ha' Mavdil Ben Kodesh Le' Chol - He Who Separates Between the Holy and the Profane
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Eli Eliyahu Hanavi Hava Na - Elijah Please Bring
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Be' Motzei Yom Menucha - At the Departure of the Day of Rest
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Ha' Mavdil Ben Kodesh Le' Chol - He Who Separates Between the Holy and the Profane in the Style of Moroccan Jews
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim
Lechu Neranena for Friday Night - Come Let Us Sing to God
Rabbi Abraham Ben-Haim