John Adams - слушать все песни
Act I, Scene 1: "Soldiers of Heaven Hold the Sky'
John Adams
Waiting to Believe
John Adams
Harmonium: Negative Love
John Adams
Harmonium: Because I Could Not Stop for Death
John Adams
Harmonium: Wild Nights
John Adams
Shaker Loops: I. Shaking and Trembling
John Adams
Shaker Loops: II. Hymning Slews
John Adams
Shaker Loops: III. Loops and Verses
John Adams
Shaker Loops: IV. A Final Shaking
John Adams
The Chairman Dances (Foxtrot for Orchestra)
John Adams
Grand Pianola Music: Part IA
John Adams
Grand Pianola Music: Part IB
John Adams
Grand Pianola Music: On the Great Divide
John Adams
Act I, Scene 1: (Beginning)
John Adams
Act I, Scene 1: "The People Are the Heroes Now"
John Adams
Act I, Scene 1: Landing of the Spirit of '76
John Adams
Act I, Scene 1: "Your Flight Was Smooth, I Hope?"
John Adams
Act I, Scene 1: "News Has a Kind of Mystery:"
John Adams
Act II, Scene 1: "This Is Prophetic!"
John Adams
Act II, Scene 2: "Oh What a Day I Thought I'd Die!"
John Adams
Act II, Scene 2: "Whip Her to Death!"
John Adams
Act II, Scene 2: "I Am the Wife of Mao Tse-tung
John Adams
Act III: "When I Woke up I Dimly Realized the Jap Bombers Had Given Us a
John Adams
Act III: "I Have No Offspring."
John Adams
Act III: "I Can keep Still,"
John Adams
Act III: "After that the Sweat Had Soaked My Uniform"
John Adams
Act III: "Peking Watches the Stars,"
John Adams
Act III: "You Won at Poker."
John Adams
Act III: "I Am Old and I Cannot Sleep"
John Adams
The Wound Dresser
John Adams
Christian Zeal and Activity
San Francisco Symphony, John Adams, Edo De Waart
Five Songs: Thoreau
John Adams, Чарлз Айвз
Five Songs: Down East
John Adams, Чарлз Айвз
Five Songs: Cradle Song
John Adams, Чарлз Айвз
Five Songs: At The River
John Adams
Five Songs: Serenity
John Adams, Чарлз Айвз
Eros Piano
John Adams
Chorus of Exiled Palestinians
John Adams
Chorus of Exiled Jews
John Adams
The Captain: "It Was Just After One Fifteen"
John Adams
Swiss Grandmother: "My Grandson Didi, Who Was Two"
John Adams
Swiss Grandmother: "So I Said To My Grandson"
John Adams
Mamoud: "We Are Sorry For You"
John Adams
John Adams
Two Fanfares for Orchestra: Tromba Lontana
John Adams
Two Fanfares for Orchestra: Short Ride in a Fast Machine
John Adams
Common Tones in Simple Time
John Adams
El Dorado: Part I. A Dream of Gold
John Adams