Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera - слушать все песни
Oh! rimembranza!
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Mira, o Norma
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Deh! proteggimi, o Dio!
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Richard Bonynge
Oh! qual traspare orribile
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
"Meco all'altar di Venere"
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Kim Begley, Винченцо Беллини
"Me protegge, me difende"
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Kim Begley, Винченцо Беллини
"Mercé, diletti amici ...Come rugiada al cespite"
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Джузеппе Верди
"Dell'esilio nel dolore"
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Джузеппе Верди
Requiem: Pie Jesu
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Charlotte Church, Orchestra of Welsh National Opera
Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
Richard Bonynge, Sumi Jo, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, John Aler, Michel Trempont
Messe à troix voix, Op. 12: Panis Angelicus
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Charlotte Church, Orchestra of Welsh National Opera, Sian Edwards, Chorus of Welsh National Opera, Сезар Франк
Casta Diva
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera [Orchestra], Chorus
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Introduzione: Ite sul colle, o Druidi
Richard Bonynge, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Svanir le voci!
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Kim Begley, Винченцо Беллини
Norma viene
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Sediziose voci, voci di guerra
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Fine al rito
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Ah! bello a me ritorna
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Sgombra è la sacra
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Richard Bonynge
Eccola! va, mi lascia, ragion non odo
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Richard Bonynge
Va, crudele, al Dio spietato
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Richard Bonynge
Vanne, e li cela entrambi
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Diana Montague, Винченцо Беллини
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Ah! si, fa core, abbracciami
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Ma di', l'amato quale fra noi si noma?
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Oh non tremare
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Oh! di qual sei tu vittima
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Norma! de'tuoi rimproveri
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Vanne, si: mi lascia, indegno
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Luciano Pavarotti, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera
Scena - Introduzione
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Dormono entrambi
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Diana Montague, Винченцо Беллини
Mi chiami, o Norma!
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Deh! con te, con te li prendi
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Si, fino all'ore estreme
Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини, Montserrat Caballe, Dame Joan Sutherland, Richard Bonynge
Non parti?
Richard Bonynge, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Guerrieri! a voi venirne
Richard Bonynge, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Ei torner?
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Diana Montague, Винченцо Беллини
Squilla il bronzo del Dio!
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Guerra, guerra!
Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
N? compi il rito, o Norma?
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Diana Montague, Винченцо Беллини
In mia man alfin tu sei
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Già mi pasco ne'tuoi sguardi
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Винченцо Беллини
Dammi quel ferro
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Вин
Qual cor tradisti, qual cor perdesti
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Вин
Norma! deh! Norma, scolpati
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Вин
Deh! non volerli vittime
Luciano Pavarotti, Richard Bonynge, Dame Joan Sutherland, Samuel Ramey, Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera, Chorus of the Welsh National Opera, Вин