Bjorn Kills Assassin
Trevor Morris
Ragnar and Yidu get High
Trevor Morris
Trevor Morris
Arrival at Kattegat
Trevor Morris
The Barber of Kattegat
Trevor Morris
Lagertha's Wisdom
Trevor Morris
Landfall in France
Trevor Morris
A Stranger Returns
Trevor Morris
Ragnar Dreams of Home
Trevor Morris
Fate Awaits
Trevor Morris
To War
Trevor Morris
Tower Attack
Trevor Morris
Radical Plan
Trevor Morris
Trevor Morris
Trevor Morris
Demands for Darkness
Trevor Morris
Visions of Kattegat
Trevor Morris
The Mind of a Viking
Trevor Morris
A Feat of Engineering
Trevor Morris
A Witness to Death
Trevor Morris
To Kill and be Killed
Trevor Morris
Enemy Eyes are Watching
Trevor Morris
Floki's Vision
Trevor Morris
Meeting of Minds
Trevor Morris
Counter Attack
Trevor Morris
The Second Battle
Trevor Morris
Who wants to be King?
Trevor Morris
A Challenge Accepted
Trevor Morris
Ivar's Frustration
Trevor Morris
Old Lovers, No Regrets
Trevor Morris
Solitary Journey
Trevor Morris
Bjorn's Fleet Arrival
Trevor Morris
Making Peace
Trevor Morris
Aslaug's Dark Dreams
Trevor Morris
One Son
Trevor Morris
The Will of the Gods
Trevor Morris
Meeting at Sea
Trevor Morris
Visions of Violence to Come
Trevor Morris
Trevor Morris
Lagertha Takes Kattegat
Trevor Morris
Trevor Morris
Lighting of Funeral Boats
Trevor Morris
Ubbe Attempts Revenge
Trevor Morris
Trevor Morris
Athelstan's Legacy
Trevor Morris
Terrible Choice
Trevor Morris
Dreams of the Past
Trevor Morris
Death of a Legend
Trevor Morris